• English archive16 июля, 2012

    On June 23, 2012, Metropolitan Hilarion, chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of Moscow Patriarchate, who is in China with the blessing of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Cyril and at the invitation of China’s State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA), conducted a service at St. Nicholas

  • English archive10 марта, 2010

    Mikhail Drozdov has lived in China since 1996. He is the head of the Shanghai office of Mars Consulting, member company of the China Window Group, a consulting firm which assists Russian companies investing in China. In parallel to his business activities, Mikhail is also dedicated to promoting the interests

  • English archive13 января, 2010

    Активный участник и разработчик сайта Русского клуба в Шанхае дал интервью популярному развлекательному журналу для иностранцев Шанхае, «CityWeekend». Здесь публикуется полная версию интервью, короткая версия опубликована на сайте журнала. So, just how many Russians are there in Shanghai? I think there are roughly 1,500-2000 Russians in “Shanghaisk”. The number doesn’t

  • English archive21 ноября, 2008

    Interview with Aleksandra Drozdova to CityWeekend (2008) How long has the Russian Club been around? We're actually celebrating our tenth anniversary this year. Congratulations! Do you have anything special planned? Of course, we're planning a large celebration and members of Russian communities from all over China and other Asian countries

  • English archive18 ноября, 2001

    1936: A Russian band, headed by Oleg Lundstrem, earned its way to fame while playing at the local Paramount Club. 2002: Oleg returns to the restored Paramount — this time as the conductor of the Russian State Indoor Jazz Band. Oleg Lundstrem’s journey highlights the music history of Russia across