Russian Orthodox Church Services in Shanghai


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Regular Sunday Services are held regularly  at the Consulate General of Russian Federation in Shanghai, 黄埔路20号 (Huangpu rd., 20), the Matins at 8 a.m., Confession at 9 a.m., Liturgy at 9-30.

More info about Russian Churches in Shanghai available in the following articles   «The Crosses above Huangpu» and «Before the Dawn» (in Russian).

To attend Russian Orthodox Church services, please, bring your passport to show the Chinese guards at the Consulate entrance. The services at the Consulate are open to foreign passport holders only.

On Sundays and Feast-days Matins at 8 a.m., Divine Liturgy is at 10 a.m.  (The parish follows the Julian “old style” calendar). Parish Rector — priest Ioann Schelokov, mobile in China: 15000466094‬  or contact Russian Club in Shanghai


